That's pretty much the theme for today. J has shown some interest in potty training, and then that interest turns into indifference, which eventually turns into defiance and actually avoiding any talk of using the potty. We, in turn, have become completely lazy about the whole thing. I admit it. We kind of haphazardly ask J if he wants to sit on the potty, and if he says no, we drop the subject. I know he's probably not "ready" yet, but at the same time I feel like we could be doing more to get him more interested. We have 2 problems: 1) We have no idea how to go about potty training and 2) Our schedules are hectic so it's hard to come up with a "routine" we can stick with. Some weeks I have 2 days off, some weeks I have a 3-day weekend. In the mornings, we usually have to be out the door by 7am, so it's hard to fit in sitting on the potty when Pull Ups are alot faster. Like I said, lazy.
Soooo...I need some ideas or advice or what worked for you, blog world! I'm all ears. I understand that every kid is different and what works for some may not work for us. We REALLY don't know where to start, other than buying the potty (a year ago), reading potty books (all the time, they're his favorites LOL), and buying underwear (tried them for a weekend, he couldn't understand what was going on, and by the second day he asked for us to "put his biper back on.")
Practice makes perfect
15 years ago
We're in the same boat with Alex. He's happy in a diaper and doesn't "get" underwear. So I know we need to do something.
What worked for Nate was bribes. Specifically, the ClickStart computer. He would do anything to get to play games. Every time he used the potty, we let him play a game. When he pooped in the potty the first time, he got a new ClickStart game.
Stickers worked too.
Our plan with Alex is we're going to start putting him underwear in the evenings after day care and work from there.
With Lana, I did the exact same thing--every day I asked her randomly if she wanted to pee in the potty (usually first thing in the AM, but also random times during the day). Every day she said no. One day she said yes. That was it. Of course once she did it, I danced a happy dance, gave her M&Ms, etc. She still isn't pooping in the potty, but I ask every day. I have discovered with her that I can offer bribes till I am blue in the face. She won't do it till she is ready. But that is just my stubborn kid...
funny how they never ask the folks who potty trained them...LOL I used to aske my girlies all day long and everytime I asked we sat on the pottie... didn't really work till the little brains were ready... but when they were--it went pretty fast...
With Cam it was easy - she really wanted to wear pretty underpants and that was enough incentive to get her going. By three she was trained. Xman, on the other hand, was stubborn as a mule about it. He could figure out how to pee, but #2 took a while. He was able to wear underwear during the day, but he only pooped in pullups and he wore the pullups at night. Finally, when he was 3 1/2, he just decided on his own that he was sick of pullups and that was it. I really believe that some kids won't do it until they decide they're ready, and you just have to be patient and heap on lots of praise when they finally get it down. This is another one of those things that, once it's done, it'll be hard to even remember what it was like when they were in diapers.
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