Monday, November 10, 2008

An easy way to tell if the lady in the car next to you has a toddler.

Scene before having a kid: I'm driving down the street in my beat-up old Corolla, windows down, bopping my head with music blasting loudly. Depending on the day, it may be R&B, rock music, or rap. If I'm with TH? Probably Tupac. I finally notice people in cars around me rolling their eyes so I turn the music down until I get to the highway.

Scene now that I have a toddler: I'm driving down the street in my midsize-SUV-one-step- away-from-a-minivan Hyundai Santa Fe, windows down, bopping my head with music blasting loudly, and occasionally singing out loud. I finally notice people in cars around me either rolling their eyes at the volume or snickering...and I realize that after dropping J off at daycare I was so into his music selection (Dora's Around the World Adventure -- actually a pretty decent CD of world music for kids) that I never turned it off. In fact, when it got to my favorite song (that's right, I have a favorite on the Dora CD) I actually TURNED IT UP. As I pull away from the light I sheepishly switch to the local hip-hop radio station.


Heidi O said...

I have had those moments. Lol. Bop a way anyway. Who cares?

LauraC said...

That is freaking awesome.

Norah Jones at full volume was the only CD we could play to get Nate to stop screaming in the car. I would ride around with Norah at full blast praying for him to stop screaming.

Nope, don't miss those days!

Anonymous said...

LOL! I do that all the time!

Joanna said...

LOL! I have to say that I think I like the They Might Be Giants here come the 123's CD more than Michael does and may have belted out a few of those songs very loudly.

Steph said...

I do that exact same thing many mornings after I drop off Cooper at daycare!