Ok, I know I promised new house pics and more recent shots of J, but of course now that the internet is up and running, the camera is refusing to cooperate with being in a new house. I'm getting some stuff uploaded off the memory card, but I haven't been able to take any NEW pictures since we left the other house. Go figure. The good news is that after alot of cursing at the old camera and sighing and moping around looking meaningfully at TH's new flat-screen TV, he finally relented and I ordered a new camera today! It's sweeeet. A Canon. Not an SLR just yet, I'm still a newbie photographer, but I'm ready for the next step after the old point-and-shoot. So we should have pics within 7-10 business days.
Do you ever get the feeling that you're living now what will later be some of your best memories? The last couple of weeks have been pretty spectacular for our little fam. I catch myself just looking around trying to soak in the whole vibe because I KNOW I'm going to look back at this period in our lives later and think, "Man, those were some of the best days of our life." Everything isn't perfect, it never is, but for once we're firing on all cylinders. There's the obvious -- the house, the move, the immediate decrease in stress. But it's the undercurrent that's really great right now. J is at a delicious age. Sure, he throws random tantrums on a regular basis now (for instance as we're struggling up the aisle this morning to get communion with him trying to force his way to the front yelling "MY TURN! MY TURN!"). But he's becoming my best friend. I'm serious. We have very interesting conversations now, such as today when I asked him why he loves his blankey so much, and he looked up at me with those big brown eyes, rubbed his blanket against his cheek, and said, "Cause I hold it." Every day he asks me to sing his favorite song to him, "No One" by Alicia Keys. "Sing no one, no one, no one, Mommy." And when I sing it to him, it's about him: No one, no one, no one, can get in the way of what I feel for you....
TH and I are having a Marriage Renaissance of sorts, as well. People say that moving and buying a house are extremely stressful events for a marriage. It's been the opposite for us. Throughout this whole ordeal, there's been very little bickering, alot of hand-holding, and in general a sense of "us against the world" that we haven't had since we first moved to Vegas four years ago. We've been together forever (half our life! We counted!), and it's still good. How can that be?
Anyway I could go on and on. I only hope this blissful time does too.
Practice makes perfect
15 years ago
I know EXACTLY what you mean!! Having twins was very trying on our marriage but somehow having to hold it together bc we each had a newborn really helped solidify things. Some of my sadness is that I know too soon these days will end, which scares me bc this is the best time of my life!!!
I can relate to this completely. Throughout our marriage we've had some ups and downs, and there are definitely years that we look back on and realize now how special they really were. When our kids were both in diapers and everything was so hectic and crazy, it seemed overwhelming. But now I think back on it and I feel such nostalgia for those days when the kids were so little and belonged only to me. The last year has been good to us, too. Then again, I can't wait to see what's around the corner!
this only makes me wish that you were here (or at least that we were all in the same city) even more! i miss you! i can't wait to see j and even TH! :)
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