Monday, May 26, 2008

The Best Month Ever

You know that show, The Best Week Ever? Well so far May has been like an episode of The Best Month Ever in our house, except without the flashy graphics and witty commentary. Memorial Day weekend was one of the most awesome weekends we've had in awhile, and it basically capped off a pretty stellar month. I am SO SAD to be going back to work tomorrow. The past few weekends have been how I envision we'd spend our time if I ever finally hit the MegaBucks jackpot at the casino and could stop working. This month:

  • The month started off on a great note May 1 as J turned two and TH and I clocked in two years as parents. We're still kind of newbies but settling into our roles fairly comfortably...even thinking about having another. And so far 18 months was alot more "terrible" than 2 has been. (I know, I know, "wait until he turns 3," I'm going to gag if someone else says that to me.)

  • We paid the first mortgage and didn't go (totally) broke. What do you know -- budgeting works! I guess we're *really* homeowners now.

  • Over the past 3 weeks we've had visits from both of my sisters, my mom, TH's sister and nephew, and dear friends of ours who moved away to Georgia a few months ago. We've literally had guests every weekend this month and it has been so much fun.

  • We've entered that era where the kid has a busier social schedule than the parents. Not only have we had guests in the house spoiling the crap out of J, but he's had a birthday party to attend every weekend this month. Somehow he and all of his little friends were born in May.

  • Now that the weather is warmer (but not yet scorchingly hot), J has REALLY been enjoying the backyard, even though it's still just rocks and dirt. This month he's learned to hit a tee-ball, ride a 3-wheel scooter, ride his tricycle (finally),....and how to dump out the water table on the puppy. Good times.

  • Just this past weekend alone: We had a cookout, I got to stay out all night at a friend's bachelorette party, we went to another birthday party where J discovered the wonderful world of bouncers and trampolines, and on Sunday he got to ride a carousel for the first time. Life totally rocks right now.

Now for the picture overload:

Further proof that J is truly TH's son. A basketball in one hand, a football in the other.

It should be illegal to have this much fun. Yes, that is TH in the bouncer with J.

Again with the football. Old lovey at naptime: Binky. New lovey at naptime: Football. He is actually sleeping with a football now. We only take pictures like this so when he becomes an NFL star we can be interviewed going, "He ate, slept, and dreamed football as a kid. He loved it so much that he even slept with one from the time he was two years old. We have proof -- look at this picture."

After a "mom" haircut looking all grown up and like Daddy.

Trying salad for the first time. Maybe the last time. We'll see.

Playing in the mud I inadvertently created when I was hosing off the patio without realizing the hose behind me had a major leak. Mimi (the puppy) looked like one of those pathetic oil-spill animals after this little episode.


-Bridget said...

How cool to be able to write a post entitled "the best month ever." That says so much in all that you have experienced with TH and with J. You must really be on a high right now! Congrats to you and I hope next month even tops this one.

Rita said...

I'm still waiting for the "Best Month Ever", but I know it must be right around the corner. I'm thinking sometime in the fall... Perhaps September or maybe October.

J's love of balls reminds me of Xaelen who is ALL about balls right now. His favorite is a made up ball. He calls it a "hockey ball" and it's a little cloth ball that he hits with his plastic rake and pretends he's playing "Hockey Ball". Sort of a cross between Hockey, Lacrosse and perhaps Polo. :)