Thursday, December 13, 2007

It's so much better with a kid.

I'm loving Christmas this year. J is so much more aware of what's going on and really getting into it. He doesn't understand Santa but knows what he looks like, so whenever we see anyone in a Santa suit (even animals) he points and says "Santa!" We put up our tree last weekend and he oohed and aahed just like I hoped, pointing out all of the colors of the ornaments...and then taking them off the tree and throwing them on the ground. At that point I turned into my own mother, threatening: "If you touch those ornaments one more time, I'm going to take the tree down. Is that what you want? No Christmas tree?" For once the threats worked, now he stands in front of the tree wagging his finger "no no no no!" I'm not sure if I should be proud of that or not...

Here are a couple of pics of the tree and a funny video from this morning of J helping to "decorate" the tree. Notice the lack of presents under the tree...we're getting into the spirit but apparently not enough for me to get in gear and finish shopping.


Anonymous said...

I've never been one to get overly excited about Christmas, but even I have to admit, it is sweet to see the pure joy it brings mommy & J. Not only do we get into it, but apparently our cats love Christmas too, since it provides an opportunity for them to climb a tree on the inside of the house. "Good grief." I have to say I look forward to this time of the year. The way the livingroom looks with tree all lit up,........what a sight to see. And to hear J say "Santa," WOW! I'm loving Chritmas this year too. Oh yeah.

deebo47 said...

I know exactly what you mean. I have always loved Christmas, but the whole holiday is different now that I have kids. We all really get into the Christmas music, making cookies, decorating the tree, and driving around to see all the pretty lights. And the kids' lists to Santa are hilarious (example: Xavier's list actually said "a Motorola Razr phone with Bluetooth, and if I can't have that then a potato shooter"). I even enjoy staying up late Christmas Eve to put together toys and presents and waking up at the crack of dawn to the sound of the kids squealing and ripping apart packages, because I know that in a few short years they'll be too old for Santa and the magic of it all will fade a little bit. Christmas really is a holiday made for kids.